Outfit Details: Heart Print Puffer Jacket (F21 Kids), Pink knit sweater, Fuzzy Gloves, Puff Ball Beanie/Scarf set, Quest Glacier Snow Boots (kids), Louis Vuitton Neverfull MM
Finally made it to the snow this past weekend on a complete whim! We checked the weather and saw ‘Storm Warnings’ for Tahoe but crazy us still decided head out there. On our way there, chains were required, so we had them on for a good two hours before we reached North Tahoe (since we had to drive slower with them on). It was lightly snowing on the way but began to pick up heavily on Sunday shortly after we arrived.
We headed to Kings Beach and played in the snow for a bit (literally in the middle of the storm, haha) and of course I took some photos on my favorite dock (if you remember my last photo here from 4th of July!)

After our first fun in the snow, we ate lunch at Whitecaps Pizza, then drove around for awhile, almost getting the car stuck in a parking lot for the first time, haha. It can be difficult getting up a hill on super icy ground, so we had to find another way out that had less of a slope. Thankfully we did!
For dinner we had a burger and fries at the Grid Bar & Grille, which is a must for me! When we ate here last summer I was impressed, and this time around didn’t disappoint as well!
On Monday morning we woke up to the car completely covered in snow, and it was also the day we planned to leave. Around 10am it began to storm again, heavy snow everywhere and low visibility while driving.
We drove down to South Lake Tahoe and had some fun in the snow for awhile before heading out. When we were a good ways away from South Lake Tahoe during our drive back, cars were now stopped and we realized the road was closed due to heavy snow. Our car even got stuck trying to maneuver back because everyone was at a standstill while snow came down heavily, which accumulated more and more snow on the ground.
With snow completely underneath our car, we had to shovel our way out. A few good samaritans stopped to help shovel the snow around our car as well. It was such an adrenaline rush to be stuck in the snow during the storm, but it wasn’t as bad as we imagined. It was actually pretty fun and a day to remember, haha! After about 30-40 minutes shoveling snow, we were finally able to get the car out and turn around back to South Lake. We had no choice but to go back and stay for another night during the storm. We got a new room and were basically snowed in!
The next morning after the storm was absolutely gorgeous! Waking up to snow is definitely relaxing. Tons of snow everywhere along with the sun coming out. We ate at Driftwood Cafe for breakfast, then head out to the park to see the lake. It was a beautiful scenery and we hung out there for awhile to be in the snow and take pictures.
Later in the afternoon we started to head back home through a different route that Google Maps said was supposedly faster, but then I realized they probably didn’t have road closures updated like the previous day. I checked Caltrans highway conditions and it was indeed closed. We had to turn around once again and head back through the original route home. We had chains on for quite awhile until the snow subsided, so of course the drive took a little longer.
It was pretty sad leaving the snow, since we love the environment and scenery when it’s snowing. We honestly wouldn’t have minded being snowed in for another night! Overall, being in the snowstorm was extremely fun. I didn’t feel like I was in danger at all. It was my first time in a snowstorm like that, and I definitely thought it would be much worse. Of course you still need to take all the precautions during a storm and be safe!
What I learned during the Tahoe snowstorm:
- Don’t rely on Google Maps road closures. That’s the only place I had checked before we left both times and saw there were no road closures. But unfortunately it didn’t update until after we were already there, or even a few hours after the road had already been closed. Always check the Caltrans Highway Conditions, which they update online.
- Have a shovel handy in case your vehicle gets stuck! I saw several pickup trucks and SUV’s getting stuck too, so it’s a basic necessity no matter what you drive.
- Bring extra clothes. The time I decide to not overpack is when I realized I needed another jacket and pants, haha.
- Make sure you know how to drive in the snow. Having chains on your tires is much easier and helps with traction. We were driving a car and it didn’t slip or slide on the snow/ice at all. As long as you’re going a decent speed around 20-30mph you will be fine.
Thanks to Aaron B. for taking pics and keeping us safe during the snowstorm 😁.
1 Comment
Sabrina V.
Wow! Super cute photos!!!! I love the snow!